Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Massage – is it just a birthday treat?

So many people have put massage into two categories in the file cabinets of their mind. One category is a short-term fix for a suddenly sore shoulder or a pain in the neck from a long forgotten rear-ender that just won’t seem to go away. The other is the ‘its-my-birthday-and-I’m-going-to-treat-myself’ category.

Here’s another category to add. Preventative medicine. Just like eating right helps your inner systems function efficiently and exercise assists your muscles develop effectively and drinking water makes everything run smoothly, massage helps too.

Massage assists with all the ways that you treat your body right. After exercising, massage soothes muscles that have worked so hard and improves your range of motion. Massage alleviates the digestive systems that so many feel isn’t working just right even though you’re eating right.

Massage does feel great to celebrate your birthday, but as a regular practice, it reduces every day stress, relieves tension headaches and improves circulation. So, eat right every day, (or least 80% of the time), exercise daily (well, maybe 5 or 6 days a week) and get a massage weekly (okay, every 3 or 4 weeks). Give yourself that once a year massage, but have one every other month of the year too.

Monday, September 3, 2007

A little about essential oils

Contrary to popular belief, it is not merely the aroma of essential oils imparts their effects.

Certainly, the aroma has a lot to do with the psychological and spiritual effects the oils have, but getting the oils on your body, you will experience another good way to benefit from the oil. One of the best places to put therapeutic grade oils is on the bottom of your feet. You can put the oil neat (undiluted) on the bottom of your feet.

Lavender oil is very soothing to the mind and calming to the nervous system. Japanese researchers studied lavender and found that the aroma of lavender is "associated with reduced mental stress."

Diffuse or put a couple drops in your hand and then inhale. Apply direct application. Another way to enjoy calming lavender oil is to place a few drops on a cotton ball and tuck it under your pillow for a peaceful night's rest.

Citrus oils are very good to use in the winter. All the citrus oils are uplifting and mood elevating. Generally, the citrus oils are cold pressed from the rind of the fruit. Orange essential oil has been used in dental offices to promote calmness. Orange oil is a wonderful "happy oil."

Citrus oils are nice to diffuse or an uplifting mood. When diffusing oils, use a COLD diffusing method. Never heat your therapeutic grade oils. Heating destroys the therapeutic qualities. If you don't have a cold diffuser, you can put some oil on a cotton ball or tissue. You can even mix oil in a spray bottle with water and spritz in the air.

My absolute favorite for lifting the mood is the oil blend Christmas Spirit. Christmas Spirit has orange & cinnamon. It smells absolutely wonderful & can lift your mood almost instantly.

Another oil that seems to banish the blues for many people is Bergamot. This essential oil is gentler, with a touch of floral in its scent. Several studies addressed bergamot as an oil that cheers feelings of sadness.

Ylang ylang got top honors in a 2006 topical-use study in relieving the down in-the-dumps feeling and calming upsetting stress. There are essential oil blends that contain many of these inspirational and mood-enhancing oils.

Other oils that have calming and sedative properties are rose, valerian, patchouli, and the "blue" essential oils (blue tansy and German chamomile)

Benefits of Massage

Why would you get a massage on a regular basis?

Massage therapy greatly assists the body to heal itself and to increase health and well-being. It is a holistic therapy that reduces the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, increases blood circulation and lymph flow, relaxes muscles, improves range of motion, and increases endorphins, the body's natural painkillers.

* Promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety
* Helps relieve tension headaches
* Improves circulation and lowers blood pressure
* Enhances immune system and balances autonomic nervous system
* Relieves muscle aches and stiffness, improves muscle tone
* Improves muscle and joint flexibility
* Eliminates toxins, promotes healthy skin, improves digestion and elimination
* Promotes deeper and easier breathing
* Alleviates discomfort during pregnancy
* Promotes faster injury/illness recovery

* And massage feels great!


Being in sunshine is good for the soul and good for the body. Sometimes, it’s a concern.

You won’t get cancer from being in the sun - in fact, the sun helps your body make Vitamin D, which protects you from cancer. You should, however, protect yourself from burning and we all know to stay out of the sun in peak hours. There is a lot of controversy over tanning and sunscreens.

Sunscreens are often touted as a defense against cancer but in fact may contribute to it. Some chemicals in sunscreen are carcinogenic or toxic. There are new lines of sun products are coming out – one that I like (recommended by Brenda Eastwood, RNCP) is called Miessence Skin Care Line. This is a new, non-toxic sunscreen that won’t lead to cancer. As well, there are a couple of new lines of clothing specially designed for surfers that protect you against the sun.

Fertility Help

If you or a loved one is trying to conceive a child, consider the following – each can help improve the odds of beginning a healthy pregnancy.

1. Safety first. Avoid exposure to pesticides, paints, solvents, and other products with potentially harmful chemicals that can impair fertility.

2. Eat a balanced diet and supplement wisely. Vitamins C, E, B-12, Folic acid, Selenium, Zinc, and Lycopene - in the right amounts - are all beneficial to men's fertility. Women should take Folic acid before trying to conceive, and during pregnancy to lower the risk of certain birth defects.

3. Acupuncture. Women who attempt in-vitro fertilization may also want to try acupuncture. It may improve blood supply to reproductive organs and help decrease stress. Acupuncture in men may positively influence sperm quality and count.

4. Go alternative. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a good track record in helping fertility. TCM views infertility as a problem of energy flows, and uses acupuncture, herbs and other techniques as treatment.

Why is Folic Acid So Important?
One proven way to protect the health of your child and yourself if you are planning a pregnancy is by taking Folic acid. The recommended daily dose of 400 mcg can significantly reduce the risk of birth defects such as Spina Bifida. Unfortunately, many women of childbearing age don't take this simple precaution.

Getting to Sleep

So often people have trouble sleeping. It is critical to your health and over all well-being to get a sound sleep - just as important, if not more so, than diet and exercise.

Did you know that 75% of adults have frequent bouts of sleeplessness? Lack of sleep can cause your normal functions to weaken due to the increased levels of cortisol in your body. There are more reasons for the inability to get to sleep or stay asleep than there is space for in this newsletter. Underlying causes include stress, anxiety, and depression. You do not have to rely on over-the-counter medications. There are a number of ways that you can help yourself sleep.

First of all, lessen the amount of mental stimulation (e.g. Television, computer work) at least one hour before you plan to go to sleep. Do not eat sugar in your dinner or after dinner snack as it causes your blood sugar to spike. Take a high quality, high dose of Magnesium supplement or alternate source of magnesium before bedtime – magnesium directs the calcium in your body to help you relax and fall asleep.

Having a massage starts your evening ‘slow down’ process. Rub an essential oil like Lavender, Marjoram, Sandalwood, or Rose on the soles of your feet before bed – within 20 minutes, it will circulate in your body and provide immeasurable calm so you can sleep.


Cellulite. Everyone has it. Whether they’re thin or overweight, 85-90% of women have it. Even thin and physically fit celebrities like Pamela Anderson, JLo, Britney Spears and Nicole Kidman have it. While its not easy to get rid of and every company out there (308,000 hits on Google) has THE product to get rid of that cottage cheese skin, there are some ways to fight it.

Cellulite is fat that has pushed through cell walls into the middle layer of skin and so shows through to the surface but it doesn’t really matter what it is - What’s important is how do you get rid of it? The secret is to keep the blood vessels open and flowing smoothly. Drink lots of water, avoid salt and processed food (water retention contributes to cellulite problems), kick the coffee and the smokes (because these constrict your blood vessels) and get regular exfoliating massage.

In between treatments, practice drybrushing daily and bathe a couple of times a week in Cellulite Salts with Cellulite Essential Oil Blend which will pull toxins from your body.

Dr. Andrew Weil says...

Dr. Andrew Weil, in his last newsletter, said:
Here’s a healthy goal with the added bonus of feeling luxurious: receive a monthly massage. Professional massage is wonderfully relaxing and has numerous health benefits.

Many forms of bodywork can help manage stress levels, reduce blood pressure and heart rate, ease muscles and stiff joints, lower the levels of stress hormones, enhance immune function and more.

Book packages of massages to save money. A healthy indulgence for 2007!

Springtime Allergies

Some people in spring experience allergies. Allergies a reaction in your body to something and the immune system steps in to fight this invader. This substance might not be not poisonous but your body thinks it is. If you are one of these people with an allergy, you might sneeze or itch your watery eyes because of house dust, chemicals in cleaners, grasses, etc. Essential Oils can help.

Try Chamomile, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Lemon. These oils all have analgesic and antiseptic qualities and help boost the immune system. Just add 10 drops to 1 ounce carrier oil to the sinus area especially in the mornings before you head out or at night before sleep. You could also add this mixture to boiling water and inhale just like your mama told you when you were a kid. You just might feel better in no time.

Fighting the Winter Blues

During the winter, its the time of year when many people are affected by the dreary, rainy, weather. Essential oils can calm and uplift you. Lavender oil is very soothing to the mind and calming to the nervous system. Citrus oils are very good to use in the winter; Orange oil is a wonderful "happy oil."

Oils can be added to a diffuser or spritzed, the scent will carry throughout your entire room. You can also carry a small bottle of Peppermint oil with you and smell it through the day. One of the best places to put oils that will immediately uplift you is to rub it on the bottoms of your feet. Take note, Spring will always be here sooner than you think.